The Master Bookbinder

A craft that was lost, was found.

Petar Petrov
4 min readJun 18, 2021
STOPAN (Kalin Daskalov) in his workshop. On the wall in the background is his Master Certificate at The Bulgarian National Crafts Chamber / Photo by: Dimitar Tenev

STOPAN IS A BOOKBINDER. He makes journals from hard-pressed paper, goatskin, linen thread, and he adorns them with precious stones and golden ornaments. He works with enthusiasm and patience, but swiftly, with confident moves and little rest. The more he has to hurry, the more his temper kindles, and surprising ideas come to him, and his hands become secure, and his eyes — sharp, and the journals get in such marvellous shapes which he would never be able to achieve with the slowest and most careful work.

One would say that the books themselves are guiding him where to bend them, what colours to pick, and what clasps to choose to hold them. On their pages, thought and memories must take a refuge from the Golden Winds of Oblivion.

COLLECTION “PILLARS” Each journal is sewn on 5 bands with quality linen thread, consisting of 12 signatures of 32 pages, making a total volume of 384 pages / Photo by: Dimitar Tenev

What would be written?

Perhaps a traveler would write a lengthy description of a foreign country, which he only visited by chance. Or a poet would compose a poem, but it would be without a single rhyme. Or an artist would sketches a woman, for whom, he would later tell, had seen in a dream. Perhaps an old grandma, with trembling hands and in big bold letters would records her secret recipe. Or a barkeeper, after counting for the third and last time the wine bottles in his cellar, would jot down a tiny note. Everyone would fill the pages of the journal in an unique, unpredictable way.

Or perhaps not! The journal would be left blank!

Standing in front of a such book, it is likely to be overwhelmed by a sense of reverence. Anything that you have decided to write suddenly would seem too simple for such a special notepad. You would begin to question your spelling and to judge your handwriting as intolerably ugly. As every beginning is the hardest, the blank page is the scariest. It would take time until you dare to write with confidence. To kindle your temper, so to speak, for the surprising ideas to come.

COLLECTION “PILLARS” The surface is treated with a water solution of shellac and gilded with 23.5 carat gold leaf / Photo by: Dimitar Tenev
COLLECTION “PILLARS” The corners and clasps are made with a silver standard of 950, while the book edges are sprinkled with a solution of potassium permanganate for decoration / Photo by: Dimitar Tenev

The Rules of the Craft

The look of these journals evokes a picture from the dim vaulted chambers of the medieval monasteries. There similar books are kept in an unapproachable light and they represent endurance and tradition. The craft to make such items is amazing. Yet, more amazing is Stopan’s daring to do handmade bindery in the 21st century.

Stopan is a self-taught craftsman. He had tried to find a teacher, but failed. The old masters seem to have vanished. So he became an apprentice to himself. That is why his work doesn’t follow the rules of any particular binding school. Instead it is a quest for discovering a forgotten craft. Each new project is a new opportunity to experiment: either with material, or technique, or theme.

COLLECTION “PILLARS” The book is bound with a fine quality, azure colored goatskin. These skins are hand polished and finished to show the beauty of the natural grain / Photo by: Dimitar Tenev

There is only one rule that must always be followed: to combine durability with beauty. Each product must become a sturdy book, so to be reliable. At the same time it must be manufactured with an artistic expression and jewelry precision. The more it ages, the more charming it should become. The prime task for every finished book is to inspire writing and to keep it safe; eventually to outlive its owners.

No sooner than the late afternoon, the master bookbinder would cease the work and would allow a moment of rest. He would clear some space and would arrange the ready-made book there and would gaze long at them with delight. ■

Thank you for reading!



Petar Petrov

Architect & Tour Guide from Bulgaria. Promotes Cultural Heritage through writing.